There are 9.6 million websites that use e-commerce technologies

Built With
Website Design🕑 Reading Time: 0 Minutes

In 2017, PipeCandy wanted to establish how many companies from the e-commerce industry were there in the world. The results of their research showed that two years ago, there were between 2 and 3 million e-commerce companies in the world, excluding China. Moreover, the source outlined that the USA and Canada alone are home to approximately 1.3 million e-commerce companies.

Still, the PipeCandy research brought us slightly outdated statistics. As we’ve previously established, the digital buyer population is gradually expanding, and numerous studies show that the same is happening with e-commerce companies. So, how many e-commerce companies are there now? The Built With tool counts 9.6 million websites that use different e-commerce technologies.

The source includes both the number of live e-commerce sites and the number of sites that used such technologies in the past. For example, the Built With tool recorded around 2.1 million BigCommerce websites with a checkout page. Out of those 2.1 million sites, around 650 000 sites are live, but close to 265 000 sites are redirects. So, the number of live BigCommerce sites, excluding redirects, stands at 388,233. Note that the total number of e-commerce sites (9.6 million) includes live sites only.

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In the realm of user engagement, the impact of a well-designed website is paramount. Accordion menus, hailed as a powerful organizational tool, play a pivotal role in not only elevating the visual appeal of a website but also enhancing its usability. Explore how Insivia successfully implemented accordion menus for EsquireTek, exemplifying their prowess in optimizing user experience through intuitive design.

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Mega menus are a smart design choice for optimizing SaaS website performance. They efficiently organize features, enhance user experience, and offer a visually appealing interface. With benefits like improved navigation, reduced clutter, and valuable analytics, mega menus provide a comprehensive solution for seamless user journeys on SaaS platforms.

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