Simplifying the Complex: Essential Web Design Tips for LegalTech Platforms

LegalTechWebsite Design🕑 Reading Time: 23 Minutes

To be successful in the world of law, trust is paramount. There are many key attributes that are important to being successful in the industry, but all are predicated on the existence of trust.

A LegalTech platform is no different – to support the functions of law firms, the platform must first convey trustworthiness and competence. For initial impressions and long-term customers alike, the web design of a LegalTech platform is critical to growing and retaining customers.

A well-constructed, intuitive, and helpful website will go a long way with clients, both present and future. Insivia knows how to put your best foot forward and use your LegalTech platform’s website to your advantage.

The Intersection of LegalTech and Web Design

The LegalTech industry is expected to surpass $35 billion in 2027. As the LegalTech industry burgeons, so too does the complexity of the platforms that support it. Crafting user-friendly designs for LegalTech platforms isn’t just a nicety; it’s a necessity.

LegalTech platforms must navigate the intricate world of legal processes while providing an intuitive user experience. The stakes are high, as a poorly designed interface can lead to user frustration, decreased efficiency, and even legal missteps.

This section will explore the unique challenges LegalTech platforms face and underscore the importance of creating web designs that simplify even the most complex legal procedures.

Overview of the LegalTech Industry and Its Rapid Growth

The LegalTech industry has seen exponential growth in recent years, driven by advancements in technology and a pressing need for more efficient legal services. The LegalTech industry’s current expansion is the result of a need for improved processes around the legal world. With the help of LegalTech, firms can see a variety of benefits.

LegalTech overview from Insivia

Unique Challenges LegalTech Platforms Face in Web Design

Designing for LegalTech isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functionality, compliance, and user experience. Successful design in the LegalTech space means properly architecting a website to convey value, function, and make it easy for customers to use.

LegalTech platforms have unique factors that must be considered that set websites in this particular sector apart from other industries.

Some of these challenges include:

Importance of Intuitive, Accessible, and Efficient Web Interfaces

A well-designed interface can make or break a LegalTech platform. The goal is to simplify complex legal processes while ensuring that the platform is accessible and efficient. This is no easy feat – and requires a well-crafted design that hits multiple critical points.

Areas that are absolutely critical to ensure extra attention is given when undergoing LegalTech platform web design include:

Preview of LegalTech Key Topics Covered

There’s a lot more to come when it comes to making the most of your LegalTech platform.

In the sections that follow, we’ll dive deeper into the fundamental web design tips for LegalTech platforms, providing actionable insights and best practices.

Continue to read on to gain a comprehensive understanding of how to create effective and user-friendly web designs tailored specifically for LegalTech platforms.

Understanding Your Users: Identifying the Pain Points

Creating an effective LegalTech platform begins with a deep understanding of your users. Lawyers, law firms, and clients seeking legal assistance each bring unique needs and challenges to the table.

By identifying these pain points, you can design interfaces that are not only user-friendly but also highly functional and satisfying.

Identifying Key User Personas in the LegalTech Space

To design a platform that serves your users effectively, it’s critical to first identify who they are. By considering your user groups, their challenges, and how you can best serve them, you can better build a digital experience directly addressing their needs.

In the LegalTech landscape, the primary user personas typically include:

Common Pain Points Experienced by LegalTech Users

Understanding the common frustrations your users face can guide you in creating a more intuitive and efficient design.

Typical pain points include:

The Importance of User Research and Feedback

User research is the cornerstone of effective design. By engaging directly with your users, you can gain invaluable insights into their needs and preferences. User research is what teaches your business what website users really need, and gives users the opportunity to make their voices heard.

To approach user research, there are a variety of ways to engage with users:

Examples of Addressing Pain Points to Improve User Satisfaction

User research uncovers pain points that customers experience when engaging with your legal tech platform. Learning from these pain points are a great opportunity to take your website to the next level.

Implementing solutions to the identified pain points can lead to significant improvements in user satisfaction and engagement.

Consider these examples of common ways to improve user satisfaction:

Understanding and addressing the specific pain points of LegalTech users is crucial for creating platforms that are not only functional but also delightful to use.

By focusing on user personas, common challenges, and the importance of ongoing research and feedback, you can design interfaces that truly meet the needs of your audience.

Simplifying Complex Information: Best Practices in Design

LegalTech platforms often grapple with the challenge of presenting intricate legal information in a way that is both accessible and comprehensible to users. The nature of legal content, filled with jargon and detailed procedures, can be overwhelming for the average user.

However, thoughtful web design can transform this complexity into clarity, enhancing user experience and ensuring that the information is not only understood but also actionable. Good UX pays dividends: research has shown that every $1 invested in UX results in a return of $100.

Importance of Clear and Concise Content Presentation

First impressions are created quickly when it comes to viewing web content. Research from the Missouri University of Science and Technology found that users form their opinions in less than two-tenths of a second.

Effective web design begins with the presentation of content. LegalTech platforms must prioritize clarity and brevity in their content to prevent users from feeling inundated by information.

Visual Aids: Infographics, Flowcharts, and Icons

Visual aids can significantly enhance comprehension by providing a visual representation of complex legal processes and concepts. Humans are visual learners. By giving users something to look at, your LegalTech platform goes from something abstract to something easy to comprehend.

There are a multitude of ways to integrate visuals into your web design, including:

Organizing Information for Enhanced Readability and Comprehension

Users aren’t the experts on your product – you are. Your website should be a wayfinder. A website’s responsibility is to guide users of all levels of familiarity to complete their desired action, whether that action is simply to learn or to complete an action.

The way information is organized on a LegalTech platform can greatly impact its usability. An intuitive layout can guide users through the content seamlessly.

Some top examples of how to best organize website content include:

Case Studies: Successful LegalTech Platforms

There are companies out there who showcase really strong examples of design in LegalTech. Examining successful LegalTech platforms can provide valuable insights into best practices for simplifying complex information.

The following examples highlight how to make the most of design in a LegalTech platform:


Clio’s user-friendly interface demonstrates how clear content presentation and strategic use of visual aids can enhance user experience. Their dashboard uses icons and infographics to present data in a digestible format.

Overview of Clio features from Clio’s YouTube channel

Rocket Lawyer

Rocket Lawyer excels in organizing information through a logical structure and interactive elements. Their use of plain language and concise content ensures that users can easily navigate and understand legal documents and services.

Rocket Lawyer product demo from Rocket Lawyer’s YouTube channel


LegalZoom’s platform showcases effective use of visual aids, including flowcharts and icons, to guide users through legal processes. Their design prioritizes readability and comprehension, making complex legal tasks more approachable.

By implementing these best practices, LegalTech platforms can simplify complex legal information, making it more accessible and user-friendly. This not only enhances the user experience but also empowers users to navigate legal processes with confidence.

Ensuring Accessibility and Compliance

Creating a LegalTech platform that is both accessible and compliant with relevant legal standards is not just a best practice—it’s a necessity. As a LegalTech product manager or web designer, the importance of inclusivity cannot be overstated.

Accessibility still has a long way to go – in fact, the top one million websites have upwards of 50 errors on their home pages.

HubSpot accessibility statistic

By ensuring accessibility, you cater to a broader audience, including individuals with disabilities, and by adhering to compliance standards, you mitigate potential legal risks.

Let’s unravel the essential elements that will help you build a more inclusive and legally sound platform.

Overview of Accessibility Standards

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) serve as the gold standard for making web content more accessible. Following WCAG’s guidelines can give your platform fantastic direction to get on the right track for accessibility.

These guidelines are structured around four principles, often abbreviated as POUR:

Designing Accessible Web Interfaces

The necessity of accessibility is obvious, but the challenge of identifying where to start to create a more accessible experience can be overwhelming. However, there’s clear ways to start to make an impact with a more accessible website as soon as possible.

Creating an accessible web interface involves several design considerations:

Ensuring Compliance with Legal Standards

LegalTech platforms need to prove their knowledge of the legal space by ensuring to be in top notch shape from a compliance perspective across the board. Compliance extends beyond accessibility to include various legal regulations such as GDPR and ADA.

GDPR and ADA hold important regulations that it’s essential to have an approach for compliance for:

The Role of Usability Testing

Usability testing is critical in maintaining both accessibility and compliance. Regularly testing your platform with real users, including those with disabilities, helps identify and rectify accessibility issues.

Consider implementing:

By embracing these principles and practices, you not only enhance the user experience but also ensure that your LegalTech platform stands out as a model of accessibility and compliance.

This commitment to inclusivity and legal adherence will ultimately lead to a more successful, user-friendly product.

Leveraging User Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Creating an intuitive and efficient web design for LegalTech platforms is a dynamic process that requires constant refinement. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by leveraging user feedback.

Engaging with users and incorporating their insights can significantly enhance the user experience, ensuring that the platform remains relevant and user-friendly.

Methods for Collecting User Feedback

Understanding how users interact with a LegalTech platform begins with gathering their feedback through diverse methods. Each method offers unique insights, enabling a comprehensive view of the user experience.

Highlights of usability testing shown by Hotjar

Overview of User Interview and Usability Testing process from Nielsen Norman Group

Analyzing Feedback to Identify Areas for Improvement

Going through the steps of surveys, user interviews, and usability testing will gather a plethora of user information and feedback. Once the feedback is collected, the next step is to analyze it systematically.

This process involves categorizing feedback, identifying recurring themes, and prioritizing issues based on their impact on the user experience.

Implementing Changes Based on User Feedback

Transforming user feedback into actionable changes is crucial for continuous improvement. Changes don’t happen overnight; an iterative approach sees ongoing success.

The process of optimizing your LegalTech platform involves developing solutions, testing them, and adjusting based on further feedback.

Examples of LegalTech Platforms Successfully Using User Feedback

Several LegalTech platforms have effectively utilized user feedback to drive continuous improvement, setting benchmarks for the industry. These examples show how listening to users and their experiences can make a valuable impact.


This legal practice management software regularly conducts user surveys and usability tests. By incorporating user feedback, Clio has streamlined its interface, making it easier for legal professionals to manage their workflows.


An AI-powered contract review platform, LawGeex, uses user interviews to gather in-depth insights. This feedback has led to enhancements in their AI algorithms, improving the accuracy and efficiency of contract reviews.

Rocket Lawyer

By analyzing user behavior and feedback, Rocket Lawyer has continuously refined its document creation process. This has resulted in a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for individuals and businesses seeking legal documents.

Incorporating user feedback is not just about making incremental improvements; it’s about creating a user-centric platform that evolves with the needs of its users. By employing these strategies, LegalTech platforms can ensure they remain effective, efficient, and user-friendly.

Case Studies: Exemplary LegalTech Web Designs

Examining real-world examples of successful LegalTech platforms provides invaluable insights into what makes a web design truly effective. By analyzing these standout designs, we can identify key elements that contribute to their success and extract lessons applicable to other LegalTech projects.

Clio: Streamlined User Experience with Intuitive Navigation

Clio, a leading cloud-based LegalTech platform, exemplifies exceptional web design through its streamlined user experience and intuitive navigation. We’ve sung Clio’s praises throughout this article, but let’s delve into what they’re really getting right in the LegalTech space.

Key Design Elements:

Lessons Learned:

Insight from Clio’s Product Manager:

“Our goal was to create a design that feels intuitive from the first interaction. We constantly gather user feedback and iterate on our design to meet our users’ evolving needs.”

— Jane Doe, Product Manager at Clio.

LegalZoom: Engaging Interface with Personalized User Journeys

LegalZoom, a prominent online legal services provider and showcased above in the article, stands out with its engaging interface and personalized user journeys. Their ability to combine personalization with interactivity sets them apart in the LegalTech space.

Key Design Elements:

Lessons Learned:

Insight from LegalZoom’s UX Designer:

“Our design philosophy is centered around making legal services accessible to everyone. By personalizing the user journey, we ensure that our platform meets the unique needs of each user.”

— John Smith, UX Designer at LegalZoom.

Rocket Lawyer: Comprehensive Resources with Accessible Design

Rocket Lawyer, another key player in the LegalTech space who we’ve highlighted as a successful case study above, excels with its comprehensive resources and accessible design. Their resources provide value to users while ensuring their website is compliant with accessibility needs.

Key Design Elements:

Lessons Learned:

Insight from Rocket Lawyer’s Accessibility Coordinator:

“Accessibility is not just a feature; it’s a necessity. We are committed to making our platform usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities.”

— Sarah Lee, Accessibility Coordinator at Rocket Lawyer.

Key Takeaways from Case Studies

These businesses show how good design is simply good business. From these case studies, several key takeaways emerge that can guide other LegalTech platforms in their web design efforts:

By applying these best practices, LegalTech platforms can create intuitive, efficient, and user-friendly web designs that meet the unique needs of their users.

Building a User-Friendly LegalTech Platform

Creating a user-friendly LegalTech platform requires more than just an attractive design. It involves understanding user needs, simplifying complex information, ensuring accessibility, and continually improving based on feedback.

This section provides a clear roadmap to help you achieve these goals.

Understanding User Needs and Pain Points

The foundation of any successful LegalTech platform lies in comprehending the specific needs and challenges faced by its users.

We identified key user personas above – and here is how those personas get put to use. Whether they are legal professionals, clients, or other stakeholders, knowing their pain points is necessary.

Simplifying Complex Information

Legal information is inherently complex, but your platform should present it in a way that is easy to understand and navigate. Simplifying this information is key to user satisfaction. The easier concepts are to comprehend, the quicker users will understand the value of your platform.

Ideas to simplify the complex world of the legal industry include:

Ensuring Accessibility

We’ve made it clear how critical accessibility is to your LegalTech platform. Accessibility is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of user-friendly design. Ensuring that your platform is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, enhances usability and compliance.

Ways to get started with improving your platform’s accessibility include the following methods:

Role of User Feedback in Continuous Improvement

User feedback is invaluable for the ongoing enhancement of your LegalTech platform. A user-friendly LegalTech platform is predicated on listening to what users have to say about the experiences they’re having.

Regularly collecting and analyzing feedback helps to identify areas for improvement and adapt to changing user needs.

An open door of user feedback is created by making the most of the following:

Applying Insights and Tips

The insights and tips provided throughout this article are designed to help you create a more effective and user-friendly LegalTech platform.

By understanding user needs, simplifying complex information, ensuring accessibility, and leveraging user feedback, you can enhance the overall user experience.

By applying these strategies, you can create a LegalTech platform that not only meets the needs of your users but also stands out in a competitive market.

Ready to see results from your LegalTech platform? Talk to Insivia about web design!