Because of the losses in the early days, which get bigger the more successful the company is at acquiring customers, it is much harder for management and investors to figure out whether a SaaS business is financially viable.
Growth Strategy🕑 Reading Time: 0 Minutes

A great way to understand any business model is to answer the following simple question:

Can I make more profit from my customers than it costs me to acquire them?

This is effectively a study of the unit economics of each customer. To answer the question, we need two metrics:

(How to calculate LTV and CAC)

Entrepreneurs are usually overoptimistic about how much it costs to acquire a customer. This probably comes from a belief that customers will be so excited about what they have built, that they will beat a path to their doors to buy the product. The reality is often very different!

What Is A Fractional CMO
B2B SaaS Growth Strategy Startups

Discover the benefits of hiring a Fractional CMO for your SaaS tech company. Learn how this flexible, high-level marketing executive can provide strategic leadership without the long-term commitment and costs of a full-time CMO.

🕑 Reading Time: 20 Minutes