How to Build an Information Architecture for A SaaS Website

B2B SaaSWebsite Design🕑 Reading Time: 13 Minutes

The structure of your SaaS website is vital for retaining engagement. If it’s too complicated for new visitors to understand, they’ll be running in circles and eventually bounce from your website. This is why having a strategy for answering their questions with minimal confusion is key.

Let’s explore how you can achieve an optimal website structure that promotes engagement and conversion.

Understanding Information Architecture For Your SaaS Website

Information architecture refers to the process of organizing, structuring, and labeling content in a way that enables users to navigate and find information efficiently within a website or digital platform. It involves the strategic design of information systems to facilitate intuitive user experiences and effective information retrieval.

Hubspot shares that the user should be at the forefront of your mind when establishing the structure for your website:

user-centric venn diagram approach for SaaS website information architecture

Here are the key principles to keep in mind for your information architecture:

Overall, these principles will help you optimize your content management process and boost your SaaS website SEO performance. Remember, you want to ensure a user-centric design whenever possible.

Conducting User Research

In order to create a targeted user experience for your website, you need to conduct research to establish who exactly your SaaS service caters to. To help you create relevant user personas, consider the following:

To help you even more with creating user personas, Insivia has created an AI Persona Builder tool that helps you uncover who your potential customers are:

Frictionless AI persona builder tool

Here are some techniques for conducting research on your target consumer’s needs:

Defining Website Goals & Objectives

Before designing the information architecture, it is essential to establish a clear understanding of the purpose and objectives of your SaaS website. Defining its purpose sets the direction for the information architecture and ensures that it aligns with the overall goals of the website and the organization behind it.

When establishing the core purpose of your website make sure you do the following:

You also need to consider the following actions you want your visitors to take from the content on your website:

Designing User Flows

User journeys represent the paths users take from their entry point to achieving their goals, while task flows outline the specific steps users need to follow to complete specific tasks or actions on the software website. This process is crucial for your information architecture. Your user journey can either be complicated or simplified. Here’s how you can achieve the latter:

One of the primary objectives of information architecture is to provide clear pathways for users to achieve their goals. Consider the following when defining clear pathways for different user goals:

It is essential that your website has a logical progression for the visitor to easily navigate. Here are a few techniques to implement to ensure this:

Wireframing & Prototyping

Once the information architecture is defined, the next step is to translate it into visual representations through wireframing and prototyping. In fact, 85% of designers use wireframing to plan the layout and structure of a website or application. This process bridges the gap between the conceptual structure of the information architecture and the actual visual layout of the software website.

Consider the following when translating information architecture into visual representations:

Hubspot goes into detail on the difference between high-fidelity wireframing and low-fidelity wireframing. This is an example of high-fidelity:

Hubspot software website wireframing example

Think of wireframes as the skeletal basics of what your website is going to look like. This YouTube tutorial shows how you can accomplish this through Figma. In the video, she’s wireframing an Instagram post, but this process can be duplicated for a website as well:

Usability Testing & Iteration

Usability testing is a crucial step in the information architecture design process. It involves observing real users as they interact with the software website’s information architecture to evaluate its effectiveness, identify usability issues, and validate the overall user experience.

Here are some key aspects to keep in mind when you conduct user testing:

When you get to the stage of gathering feedback here are some tactics to ensure that you identify the pain points they experience with your website:

Mobile Responsiveness

In today’s mobile-centric world, it is crucial to ensure that the information architecture of a software website is adaptable and optimized for mobile devices. Mobile responsiveness involves tailoring the layout, navigation, and content presentation to provide a seamless user experience across various screen sizes and orientations. Here are some ways you can optimize your software website for all devices:

Evernote is a great example of a website that converts beautifully for mobile. The design is clean and the CTAs are clear:

Evernote mobile software website interface example

Continuous Monitoring & Optimization

To ensure the ongoing success of your software website’s information architecture, it is essential to implement analytics tools that provide valuable insights into user behavior. These tools enable you to gather data and track user interactions, helping you understand how users navigate the website, which areas are performing well, and where improvements may be needed. Here are some techniques you can utilize to monitor your visitors’ behavior:

Next, you want to make sure you’re tracking relevant data. Here’s some information you should keep your eye on:

Finally, based on the analysis of user data and feedback, prioritize the identified areas for improvement within the information architecture. Focus on high-impact changes that will have the greatest positive effect on user satisfaction and website performance. Then, once those large areas are updated, you can work on the smaller changes that need attention.

Key Takeaways on SaaS Website Information Architecture

The importance of effective information architecture for a software website cannot be overstated. A well-designed information architecture lays the foundation for a user-friendly and intuitive user experience. It enables users to easily navigate and find the information they need, enhances engagement, and ultimately contributes to the success of the website and its goals. This process also always needs continuous improvement and tweaks as your business evolves.