Your Guidebook to Legal Tech Marketing Strategies

LegalTech🕑 Reading Time: 19 Minutes

In recent years, the legal tech industry has experienced a transformative shift, evolving from a niche sector into a dynamic and rapidly growing market.

As law firms and legal professionals increasingly recognize the value of technology in streamlining operations, ensuring compliance, and enhancing client relationships, the demand for innovative legal software solutions has surged. This burgeoning interest has paved the way for an array of startups and established tech companies to develop tools tailored specifically for the legal realm, from case management systems to AI-driven legal research platforms.

Yet, with this growth comes a unique challenge: How do companies effectively market to a demographic known for its meticulous nature and high standards?

Lawyers, by virtue of their profession, are trained to be discerning, detail-oriented, and skeptical. They’re not just looking for software; they’re seeking solutions that can seamlessly integrate into their workflows, uphold the integrity of their work, and ultimately, add value to their practice. This makes the role of marketing not just essential, but also intricate.

As we delve deeper into this guide, we’ll uncover strategies that not only resonate with the legal community but also position your software as the indispensable tool they’ve been searching for.

Dive in, and discover the keys to captivating the legal world with your tech solution.

Inside the Legal Mind: Navigating the Nuances of Attorney Needs

To effectively market to any audience, a deep understanding of their mindset, needs, and challenges is paramount. When it comes to lawyers, this understanding becomes even more crucial given the unique nature of their profession.

Lawyers operate in a world where precision, accuracy, and timeliness are not just desired but essential. Every decision they make, every document they draft, and every piece of advice they offer carries significant weight, often impacting the lives and businesses of their clients. This responsibility shapes their priorities and informs their choices, especially when it comes to adopting new tools or technologies.

Unique Needs and Challenges

Lawyers often juggle multiple cases simultaneously, each with its own set of complexities. They require tools that can help them manage these cases efficiently, ensuring that no detail is overlooked. Moreover, the legal profession is one that is deeply rooted in tradition, and many lawyers have been accustomed to certain ways of working for years, if not decades. This means that any new software or tool needs to not only offer significant advantages over traditional methods but also be intuitive and easy to integrate into existing workflows.

Another challenge is the sheer volume of information lawyers deal with. From legal precedents to client details, they need software that can help them organize, search, and retrieve information swiftly. Furthermore, given the sensitive nature of the information they handle, data security is of paramount importance. They need assurances that any software they adopt is not only efficient but also impenetrable.

Trust, Efficiency, and Security

At the core of a lawyer’s decision-making process are three pillars: trust, efficiency, and security.

Trust is foundational. Lawyers need to trust that the software they’re using is reliable, accurate, and consistent. This trust is built over time, through positive experiences, peer recommendations, and a track record of excellence.

Efficiency is about more than just speed; it’s about enhancing the quality of work. A tool that helps a lawyer save time while also improving the accuracy and quality of their work is invaluable. It’s not just about doing things faster, but doing them better.

Lastly, security cannot be overstated. With the increasing threats of cyberattacks and data breaches, lawyers need to be confident that their software is fortified against any potential threats. A single breach can not only jeopardize a case but also tarnish the reputation of the lawyer or the firm.

In summary, to appeal to the legal community, it’s essential to approach them with a deep understanding of their unique needs and challenges. By emphasizing trust, efficiency, and security in your marketing strategies, you position your software as a solution that truly understands and caters to the intricacies of the legal profession.

Good To Know

Legal Technology Adoption

According to the 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report by the American Bar Association (ABA), approximately 58% of lawyers use cloud computing software for law-related tasks. This indicates a growing acceptance of technology in the legal field.

Source: ABA’s 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report

Time Spent on Non-Billable Work

The 2018 Legal Trends Report by Clio found that lawyers spend only 2.5 hours on billable work in an 8-hour workday, with the rest of the time going to administrative tasks and business development. Efficient software solutions can help reduce the time spent on non-billable tasks.

Source: 2018 Legal Trends Report by Clio

Concerns about Cybersecurity

The ABA’s 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report also highlighted that 26% of respondents reported that their firms had experienced a security breach at some point. This underscores the importance of security in legal tech solutions.

Source: ABA’s 2020 Legal Technology Survey Report

Resistance to Change

According to a 2019 report by Gartner, while 87% of senior business leaders say digitalization is a company priority, only 40% of organizations have brought digital initiatives to scale. This suggests a gap between recognizing the importance of technology and fully implementing it, which can be particularly pronounced in traditional fields like law.

Source: Gartner, 2019

Content Marketing for Legal Tech

In the digital age, content is king. For the legal tech industry, content marketing isn’t just about promoting a product; it’s about educating, building trust, and positioning your brand as a thought leader.

Lawyers, given their analytical nature, are more likely to be swayed by well-researched, insightful content that addresses their unique challenges and showcases tangible solutions.

The Analytical Nature of Lawyers and the Power of Insightful Content

Lawyers, by the very nature of their profession, are trained to be critical thinkers. Their daily tasks involve sifting through vast amounts of information, discerning relevant facts, analyzing intricate details, and building arguments based on evidence and precedent. This rigorous analytical training doesn’t switch off when they’re considering products or services, especially those that promise to enhance their professional lives.

  1. Depth Over Breadth: Unlike some audiences that might be swayed by surface-level content or flashy marketing tactics, lawyers appreciate depth. They are more likely to engage with content that delves deep into a subject, offering comprehensive insights rather than just skimming the surface. For instance, instead of a brief article on “The Benefits of Legal Tech,” they’d be more interested in a detailed analysis of “How AI-Powered Legal Research Tools are Transforming Case Preparations.”
  2. Evidence-Based Claims: Lawyers operate in a world where claims need to be substantiated. When presenting a software solution or a new tech product, it’s crucial to back up claims with evidence. This could be in the form of case studies, user testimonials, or data-driven results. A claim like “Our software speeds up document processing by 50%” becomes significantly more compelling when followed by a real-world example or a comparative analysis.
  3. Addressing Unique Challenges: Every profession has its challenges, but the legal field has some particularly unique ones. From the pressures of ensuring client confidentiality to the intricacies of legal research, lawyers face tasks that require precision and expertise. Content that acknowledges these specific challenges and offers tangible solutions will resonate more. For example, a whitepaper on “Ensuring Data Security in Cloud-Based Legal Management Systems” directly addresses a pressing concern for many law firms considering a move to the cloud.
  4. Practical Over Theoretical: While theoretical knowledge is essential, lawyers, given their busy schedules, often look for content that offers immediate, actionable insights. A blog post on “10 Steps to Streamline Document Review with [Software Name]” provides practical steps that lawyers can implement, making it more valuable than a purely theoretical piece.

In essence, the analytical mindset of lawyers demands content that is thorough, evidence-based, and directly relevant to their daily challenges. By tailoring content marketing strategies to these preferences, legal tech companies can more effectively engage and persuade this discerning audience.

The Power of Educational Content

  1. Webinars: Hosting webinars on pressing issues in the legal tech space can be a game-changer. For instance, a webinar on “The Future of AI in Legal Research” can attract lawyers curious about technological advancements and how they can leverage them.
    • Actionable Step: Identify trending topics in legal tech, collaborate with industry experts, and promote your webinars through targeted email campaigns and social media.
    • Example: Clio, a legal management software, often hosts webinars on topics ranging from law firm growth to the intricacies of using their platform, ensuring both education and product promotion.
  2. Blog Posts: Regularly publishing blog posts that delve into the challenges lawyers face and how tech can address them can position your brand as a trusted resource.
    • Actionable Step: Create a content calendar, focusing on a mix of industry insights, product features, and user testimonials. Use SEO best practices to increase visibility.
    • Example: LexBlog, a legal blogging community, provides a platform for legal professionals and tech providers to share insights, fostering a sense of community and expertise.
  3. Whitepapers: These are in-depth, authoritative reports that address complex issues in the legal tech space. They’re particularly effective for B2B marketing within the industry.
    • Actionable Step: Identify a pressing issue in the legal tech industry, conduct thorough research, and present findings in a well-designed whitepaper. Promote it through targeted channels.
    • Example: Relativity, an e-discovery software provider, often releases whitepapers on topics like data privacy regulations, offering valuable insights while subtly promoting their solutions.

In conclusion, content marketing in the legal tech space is all about understanding your audience’s needs, offering valuable insights, and consistently showcasing how your product or service fits into the larger industry narrative. By focusing on educational content and real-world applications, you can build trust and drive engagement in this niche yet growing market.

Leveraging Testimonials and Case Studies

In the realm of legal tech marketing, few tools are as potent as the voices of satisfied clients and the tangible results showcased through case studies. The legal industry, built upon precedents and evidence, naturally gravitates towards real-world examples and endorsements when considering new tools and technologies.

The Power of Social Proof in the Legal Industry

  1. Trust and Credibility: In an industry where trust is paramount, testimonials serve as endorsements from peers. When a fellow legal professional vouches for a product’s efficacy, it carries weight. It’s akin to a colleague recommending a legal resource or strategy; there’s an inherent trust in the shared professional experience.
  2. Relatability: Case studies, especially those that detail challenges and solutions, allow potential clients to see themselves in the narrative. A law firm grappling with document management might be swayed by a case study detailing how another firm overcame this exact challenge using a particular software solution.
  3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Lawyers are trained to make decisions based on evidence. A well-documented case study, complete with challenges, solutions, and results, provides a structured narrative that aligns with a lawyer’s analytical approach to decision-making.

Gathering and Showcasing Testimonials and Case Studies Effectively

  1. Requesting Feedback: After a successful implementation or a positive experience with your product, reach out to clients for feedback. Frame it as an opportunity for them to share their success story and potentially benefit from the exposure.
  2. Structured Interviews: When creating case studies, conduct structured interviews with clients. Focus on the problem they faced, why they chose your solution, how the implementation process went, and the results they’ve seen. This structure resonates with the legal professional’s love for clear, logical narratives.
  3. Visual Presentation: In a digital age, a simple written testimonial might not capture attention. Consider creating video testimonials or infographics that detail the success metrics from a case study. Visual content is often more engaging and can be easily shared on social media platforms.
  4. Prominent Placement: Showcase testimonials and case studies prominently on your website, perhaps on the homepage or a dedicated “Success Stories” section. Additionally, use snippets from these testimonials in marketing materials, email campaigns, and even product demos.
  5. Regular Updates: The legal tech landscape is ever-evolving. Regularly update your testimonials and case studies to reflect current challenges and how your product has adapted or evolved to address them.

In conclusion, testimonials and case studies are not just marketing tools; they’re evidence of your product’s value in the real world. By effectively gathering and showcasing these, you not only build trust but also provide potential clients with a roadmap of success they can envision for themselves.

Engaging Through Events and Networking

In the digital age, while online marketing and virtual engagements have their place, the power of face-to-face interactions remains undiminished, especially in a profession as relationship-driven as law. Events, conferences, and networking opportunities provide legal tech companies with a platform to directly engage with their target audience, showcase their solutions, and build lasting relationships.

The Value of Attending and Hosting Industry-Specific Events

  1. Direct Engagement: Events allow for real-time feedback and discussions. Whether it’s a question about a product feature or a broader discussion about industry trends, these interactions provide invaluable insights that can shape future product developments and marketing strategies.
  2. Showcasing Products: Conferences and events often offer opportunities for live demos or workshops. This hands-on approach lets potential clients experience the product firsthand, often making a more lasting impression than a digital advertisement.
  3. Learning from the Industry: By attending industry-specific events, legal tech companies can stay updated on the latest challenges, innovations, and needs of the legal community. This knowledge can inform product enhancements and marketing approaches.
  4. Building Brand Presence: Regularly attending or hosting events establishes a company as a key player in the industry. Over time, this consistent presence can lead to increased brand recognition and trust.

Strategies for Effective Networking and Relationship-Building

  1. Pre-Event Outreach: Before attending an event, reach out to key attendees or firms you’re interested in connecting with. Schedule one-on-one meetings or product demos to ensure dedicated interaction time.
  2. Interactive Booths: If you’re setting up a booth at a conference, make it interactive. Instead of just handing out brochures, consider setting up live demo stations, hosting mini-workshops, or even organizing quick Q&A sessions.
  3. Follow-Up: After the event, promptly follow up with the contacts you made. Personalize your outreach by referencing specific discussions or interests they expressed during the event.
  4. Host Your Own Events: Consider organizing webinars, workshops, or even local meet-ups. Hosting your own events allows you to control the narrative, focus on topics that highlight your product’s strengths, and foster a community around your brand.
  5. Engage on Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter to share insights from events, engage in discussions, and connect with attendees post-event. Social media can amplify the connections made during events and keep the conversation going.
  6. Collaborate with Industry Influencers: Partner with well-respected figures in the legal community for joint events or webinars. Their endorsement can lend credibility to your product and expand your reach.

While the legal tech landscape is vast and competitive, genuine, face-to-face interactions remain a cornerstone of effective engagement.

By strategically leveraging events and networking opportunities, legal tech companies can build meaningful relationships, gather direct feedback, and position themselves as indispensable partners in the legal community’s technological journey.

SEO and PPC for Legal Tech: Reaching Lawyers Ready to Buy

In the bustling digital marketplace, lawyers seeking software solutions often start their journey with a search engine. This makes Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising not just beneficial, but essential tools for legal tech companies aiming to capture the attention of lawyers at the very moment they’re looking to invest.

Why Search Engine Visibility is Crucial for Targeting Lawyers

  1. Immediate Needs, Immediate Solutions: When a lawyer searches for a software solution, it often indicates an immediate need. By ensuring your product appears prominently in search results, you position yourself as the immediate answer to their pressing challenge.
  2. Trust Through Visibility: Lawyers operate in a world where credibility is everything. A high search ranking, especially for competitive legal tech terms, not only boosts visibility but also instills trust, suggesting that your solution is industry-recognized.
  3. Precision Targeting: SEO, when done right, ensures that your website attracts lawyers specifically searching for what you offer. This means higher conversion rates as you’re reaching an audience already inclined to purchase.

Strategies to Ensure Lawyers Find You When They’re Ready to Buy

  1. Focused Keyword Research: Dive deep into the specific terms lawyers use when seeking out software solutions. Tools like Google’s Keyword Planner or SEMrush can help pinpoint these precise keywords.
  2. Content That Answers Questions: Lawyers often search with specific queries or challenges in mind. Create content that directly addresses these pain points, showcasing how your product provides the solution.
  3. Backlink Building with Authority: Secure backlinks from reputable legal websites or tech platforms. When a lawyer sees a recommendation from a trusted source, it significantly boosts your product’s credibility.
  4. Immediate Visibility with PPC: While SEO builds long-term organic reach, PPC places you right at the top of search results immediately. By targeting ads for high-intent legal tech search terms, you capture lawyers precisely when they’re ready to make a decision.
  5. Optimized Landing Pages for Conversion: Ensure that your PPC traffic is directed to landing pages that emphasize the benefits of your product for legal professionals. Highlight features, security aspects, and user testimonials to reassure and convince them of the value.
  6. Stay Updated and Relevant: The legal tech landscape is dynamic. Regularly monitor search trends and adjust your SEO and PPC strategies to stay relevant and capture lawyers as their needs evolve.

The digital buying journey of lawyers is punctuated by search.

By harnessing the power of SEO and PPC, legal tech companies can ensure they’re the first and most compelling solution lawyers find when they’re ready to invest in technology.

Tailored Product Demonstrations: Engaging Lawyers Effectively

For lawyers, investing in a new software solution isn’t just a financial decision; it’s a commitment to integrating a tool into their intricate workflows. Given the complexity and specificity of legal work, generic product demonstrations often fall short. Tailored product demonstrations, on the other hand, speak directly to a lawyer’s unique needs, making them an invaluable tool in the decision-making process.

The Role of Personalized Demos in the Decision-Making Process

  1. Addressing Specific Pain Points: Lawyers face a myriad of challenges, from managing client communications to sifting through vast legal databases. A personalized demo that showcases how a software solution addresses their specific pain points can be a game-changer. It moves the conversation from “This is what our product does” to “This is how our product can help you.”
  2. Building Trust Through Relevance: By tailoring a demonstration to a lawyer’s unique needs, you’re signaling that you’ve done your homework and genuinely understand their challenges. This not only showcases the product’s capabilities but also builds trust.
  3. Visualizing Integration: Lawyers are often wary of disruptions to their established workflows. A tailored demo allows them to visualize how the software will integrate into their daily tasks, alleviating concerns about potential disruptions or steep learning curves.

Tips for Creating Compelling and Relevant Product Demonstrations for Lawyers

  1. Do Your Homework: Before the demo, gather as much information as possible about the lawyer or the firm. Understand their specialties, their client base, and any specific challenges they’ve mentioned. This will allow you to highlight features most relevant to them.
  2. Interactive Engagement: Instead of a one-sided presentation, make your demo interactive. Allow lawyers to input some of their data or pose specific scenarios. This hands-on approach can help them see the software’s value in real-time.
  3. Highlight Security and Compliance: Given the sensitive nature of legal data, emphasize how your product addresses security concerns. If your software has compliance certifications or uses advanced encryption, highlight these aspects prominently.
  4. Use Real-world Scenarios: Base your demonstration on real-world legal scenarios. For instance, if you’re showcasing a legal research tool, use a recent, relevant case as a backdrop for your demonstration.
  5. Provide Post-Demo Resources: After the demonstration, provide lawyers with resources that allow them to delve deeper. This could be a detailed guide, a recorded version of the demo, or case studies showcasing success stories.
  6. Seek Feedback and Iterate: At the end of the demo, solicit feedback. Understand what resonated with them and what didn’t. Use this feedback to refine future demonstrations, ensuring they remain as relevant and compelling as possible.

For lawyers, seeing is often believing.

A well-executed, tailored product demonstration can bridge the gap between uncertainty and conviction, showcasing not just a software’s features, but its tangible benefits for the legal professional.

By focusing on relevance, interactivity, and real-world applicability, legal tech companies can engage lawyers effectively, driving them closer to a positive purchasing decision.

Post-Demo Engagement and Support: From Trial to Trust

Once a lawyer has experienced a software demo or embarked on a free trial, the real challenge begins: converting that initial interest into a committed, paying user.

The post-demo phase is crucial, as it’s during this period that potential users truly assess the software’s fit and value. Given the discerning nature of lawyers and the critical role software plays in their work, this conversion process requires strategic engagement and robust support.

The Importance of Continuous Engagement and User Experience

Ensuring a seamless transition from initial interest to committed usage hinges on consistent engagement and delivering an exceptional user experience tailored to the discerning needs of legal professionals.

Strategies for Subscription Software with Free Trials

Transitioning lawyers from a free trial to a paid subscription requires a nuanced approach that emphasizes value, support, and the unique benefits of your software solution.

Strategies for Contracted Software with Initial Demos

For software solutions that begin with a comprehensive demo and lead to a contractual commitment, it’s crucial to employ strategies that underscore the long-term value, adaptability, and dedicated support your product offers to the legal community.

In conclusion, the post-demo phase is where potential becomes commitment. By understanding the unique needs of lawyers, offering continuous support, and showcasing tangible value, legal tech companies can effectively guide them from initial interest to a lasting partnership.

Whether it’s a subscription model with a free trial or a more complex contracted software solution, the key lies in tailored engagement, proactive support, and a genuine understanding of the user’s needs.

Summarizing Strategies For Legal Tech Growth

In the rapidly evolving landscape of legal tech, understanding the intricate mindset of lawyers remains the cornerstone of effective marketing. These professionals, trained to be analytical and detail-oriented, require more than just generic pitches.

They seek solutions that resonate with their unique challenges, ones that are showcased through tailored strategies, be it in-depth content, personalized demos, or post-engagement support. Selling software to this discerning audience isn’t just about highlighting features; it’s about demonstrating tangible value, security, and efficiency.

However, as with all industries, the legal tech space is in constant flux. What works today might need refinement tomorrow. It’s imperative for marketers to stay agile, continuously gathering feedback, and innovating in their approaches. By marrying a deep understanding of the lawyer’s psyche with adaptive marketing strategies, legal tech companies can not only capture the attention of their target audience but also foster lasting, value-driven relationships.

In the journey of selling software to the legal community, remember that it’s a blend of art and science, of empathy and evidence. And in this delicate dance, understanding and adaptability are your most trusted partners.