Leverage public relations, affiliate, and influencer marketing to drive growth.

Expand upon paid and inbound channels with pre-existing audiences that can be leveraged for targeted placement.

Public Relations

Get your message picked up by the outlets your audience engages.

Our team leverages existing contact, acquired lists and technology solutions to reach and convince publishers.

Influencer Marketing

Leverage other people’s established target audiences.

Influencers build large volumes of rabid fans that often fit within very narrow target demographics and firmographics.

Affiliate Programs

Build a pay for performance network that drives scale quickly.

Affiliate programs are one of the most powerful ways to drive conversions with low acquisition costs.

Want to uncover gaps?

I'm Tony, CRO @ Insivia

Leveraging others segmented and targeted networks is a fast track.

Public relations, affiliate and influencer marketing are all about identifying an existing ideal audience and taking advantage of those that already have influence on them.

Andy Halko
Andy Halko
Founder & CEO

I started Insivia in 2002 and for over 22 years I have had the chance to work directly with hundreds of companies and founders to redefine or reinvent their businesses.

The prospect of launching or refining public relations, influencer marketing, and affiliate programs can sometimes be met with hesitation. Often, businesses fear that these initiatives will expose weaknesses in their brand identity or marketing strategies. However, the real danger lies in not recognizing these weaknesses, as they can silently undermine efforts to connect with audiences and achieve growth.

The importance of an objective, expert-driven evaluation in these areas cannot be underestimated. It serves as a critical tool for businesses to not only identify gaps but also to harness opportunities in a way that aligns with their overarching marketing objectives. By leveraging professional insights, companies can refine their messaging, optimize engagement strategies, and enhance the overall effectiveness of their campaigns.

Our approach to enhancing these initiatives is centered on providing not just a critique, but a strategic roadmap tailored for success. We aim to transform potential vulnerabilities into strengths, turning every insight into actionable strategies that propel the brand forward.

One of the distinctive methods we employ is our integrated audit system that covers public relations, influencer partnerships, and affiliate programs. This system includes both in-depth written reports and dynamic video feedback from our experts. The video component allows stakeholders to gain a clearer understanding of the nuances in strategy and execution that text alone might miss. This dual-delivery format ensures that our clients receive comprehensive, easy-to-digest insights that are immediately applicable, fostering improved communication channels, stronger influencer collaborations, and more profitable affiliate relationships.

Get to know us.

Reach out and let's schedule a discovery call.

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