Putting a Label on Interactive Design

Website Design🕑 Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Orbytel, a digital print and packaging company located in Cleveland, Ohio, is proud to announce the launch of their new website. Orbytel specializes in top-of-the-line, on-demand printing and converting of labels, folding cartons, corrugated, promotional packaging, and point-of-purchase displays. They need a bold site that would provide viewers with an extensive overview of their services, products, and advantages.

The site was developed from the bottom up. Custom photography, design, and content conveys the vast range of Orbytel’s capabilities, and clear navigation throughout the site’s sections allow visitors to easily explore their services and products.

The Insivia team truly enjoyed creating Orbytel’s interactive website, which, surprising to most, was designed completely in jQuery. jQuery has many advantages, chief among them its ability to flawlessly render a site on mobile devices.

To see more of Insivia’s WOW work, check out our portfolio