
Keep a constant pulse on customers, prospects, and competitors with research.

Our Research-As-A-Service is a monthly program to gather data, talk to customers, and spy on competitors.

Decisions for marketing, sales, product development, and every aspect of business are significantly improved by data and insights.

See Insights Daily

Your Pulse Dashboard.

We provide a web-based viewpoint for prospects, lost deals, customers, and competitors.

Let us help you constantly gather information and data to keep a pulse on everything important to your business. 

See all the info we bring to your fingertips...

Market Research Dashboard
Prospect Research
WHY You Win Or Lose

Prospects & Lost Opportunities.

Understand what is driving prospects and why people did not buy.

Ask prospects what is important to them and how they make decisions; then ask lost opportunities why they chose an alternative.

Whether You Deliver

Understand Your Customers.

Know what's working, where you stand, and how to get better.

Talk to your customers and find out what is going right, what needs to be fixed, and why they decided to buy from you. These conversations drive improved sales and marketing.

Customer Research
Competitor Research
Spying Isn't A Bad Thing

Investigate Your Competitors.

We'll pull together brand and marketing insights so you can compete.

Keeping an eye on competitors is smart. The right tools provide research on where they ranking search engines, what they are spending on ads, new updates, and other key insights to help you stay competitive.

How We Do It.

Build A System

First, we design your dashboard to showcase the most important insights to your team.

Collect Contacts

Each month, you supply us with prospects, lost deals and customer contact info.


Some calling, first-hand research, and web scraping allow us to get real information.

Assess & Organize

In your dashboard, we'll provide information as well as our teams insights.

Each quarter we'll meet to dig deep and find impactful discoveries for marketing, sales, product development, and customer service.